Okay so the last month has been a blur, especially the last couple weeks......
First, Tryston started swimming lessons with some friends, and he did pretty good!

Then to every one's surprise, we got a visit from Doug and Beth!!! :)

We got a call on Saturday morning saying that they were in the NY airport, and that they would be here by 10:30 pm!

We went camping over Memorial weekend with the "whole" family, and it was a lot of fun!!! Doug went on a walk and found a baby deer, we caught a bunch of horney toads, trey slept a lot better then I expected, and we all just totally enjoyed Doug and Beth!!!

I watched Malea's kids, and Dawson and Trey decided to climb on the tool bench and play......they are so cute together!!!

Trey's crazy static hair...

Visiting Clint...

Malea did a "Roadtrip" photography class, and Allee, Tryston and Trey were some of the models......Tryston loved being a cowboy (thanks em for the outfits, and amber for the pics!!:) He called himself "Cowboy Tryston"

I also wanted to get some cute pics of Trey before the big hair cut.......

Our last night together before Doug and Beth left for New York......Doug was having a hard time breathing, that is why they surprised us.....they had to come home to figure out what was wrong, and they now know he has asthma!!

Wow......busy month, but we had a lot of fun!!!