Wednesday, August 13, 2008

No more diapers.......

I think I can officialy say Tryston will Never Again Wear Diapers!!! I have been dreading potty training for almost a year, and it was so much easier than I thought!! I think the key is that he was old enough to know the urge! The first day I set an alarm to go off every 20 min. The second day I spaced it out a little longer, then on the third day I asked him if he needed to go through out the day. There were a couple of accidents but nothing major, and thankfully no poopie accidents! He is wearing pull-ups to bed, but I have noticed a couple of nights he woke up dry. He has done soooooo Good!!!!


Alesha said...

Yeah for Tryston, you did it!

Bobbi Simkins said...

sounds like you got lucky with him. i've heard some horror stories about potty training.

A said...

Congrats!I am waiting till ellie is close to 3. She so totally knows when she is going and will even tell me, but refuses to go on the potty... a bit of a control freak when it comes to mommy's way or ellie's way. Good Job. Bet you are loving haveing no more diapers

Mandy said...

congrats. That is wonderful to only have one kid in diapers.

Just one of the Boyz said...

Potty Training is the worst. I hear its easier to potty train boys, so your LUCKY!!!

We need to get together soon...

Megan Andersen said...

I'm telling ya--taking that 'relaxed approach' really does work. Big congrats to Tryston!

Erin said...

Good JOB! I can only wish.

Anonymous said...

Hi Cari,
I thought I would let you know our blog address. Mine is definetly not as creative but I love to read about what everyone is doing. I am not the best about updating in fact Coty updated ours last time. Way to go on the potty training!! You will be so glad not to be buying diapers for two children!!

Jenn said...

Congratulations! what a great feeling...and good for the budget too. I like your system too. I can't even remember what I did with Sam!